Buena Vista Lagoon Joint Powers Committee
Second draft agenda and strategic planning worksheet
DRAFT Meeting Objectives (in priority order)
- Clarify the organizational mission, goals, strategies and priority objectives as they presently are authorized.
- Develop draft strategic planning document
- clarify, add to and subtract from Wolf’s compiled document
- prioritize goals and strategies
- roughly estimate costs and potential timelines for objectives
- discuss which are more important to achieve in next 3 years
- Determine who is responsible for what objecitves, task force, committees
- Set the process whereby the strategic plan will be finalized
- who does what
- when the group will meet again
Sample Strategic Plan Summary
This is an example of a summary of a strategic plans goals, strategies and objectives. Someone (with my help) could review past documents and draft a version like this that includes everything that has been approved or thought of in the past. The meeting participants could then use this as a focus for discussion and prioritization, and ultimately for task and committee assignments.
“To create a sustainable Buena Vista Lagoon and Watershed ecosystem through active planning and program management.”
- Goal: Improve environmentally sensitive recreational use
- Strategy:
- Strategy:
- Improve access and parking
- Build board walkways, picnic areas, paths and bikepaths
- Create links to other appropriate recreational uses in watershed
- Design, fund, and build boardwalk across Lagoon from Carlsbad to Oceanside – possibly coordinate as part of the Coastal Rail Trail Project
- Goal: Improve lagoon and watershed as wildlife habitat especially for endangered species and as a important migratory stop
- Strategy: Increase/protect habitat in and around the lagoon and incoming waterways
- purchase land/easements on the following properties:
- gain land owner support for voluntary habitat improvements
- run a public education program
- raise funds
- solve public feeding problem at “Duck Landing” which creates a problem for migrating species of birds (i.e. people feeding local birds – creating nuisance and chasing out migratory species)
- maintain lagoon as important migratory stop
- Strategy: Increase/protect habitat in and around the lagoon and incoming waterways
- Strategy: Reduce cattails and exotic species
Objectives:- Develop a sustainable control program for cattails
- Identify the worst exotics and develop a plan to control/eliminate them
- Arrundo spp. removal upstream
- Strategy: Reduce erosion and contamination entering the lagoon and its waterways
Objectives:- educate the public about storm drains, pollution, erosion, prevention etc
- educate contractors about sediment control at construction sites
- (estimated 2/3rds reduction at these sites)
- pass storm water through holding ponds, marshes to help clean it
- reduce/delay stormwater runoff to prevent natural system from being overrun develop detention ponds in all new developments
- pass a porous driveway and French drain requirement
- reduce sources of pollutants by xx amount by the end of?
- Objective strategies:
- encourage and improve opportunities for oil recycling
- strictly enforce existing laws
- review erosion control and drainage improvements that have been implemented by the 3 cities in the last 5 years and determine what still needs to be done and set priorities
- Coordinate mining, reclamation, and future development of South Coast Materials site between Oceanside and Carlsbad
- Strategy: Reduce existing contamination and sedimentation in the lagoon
Objectives:- design, fund, and construct a new weir at mouth of lagoon to control flooding, decrease sedimentation, increase flushing of pollutants, and possibly create a brackish system in an area of the lagoon
- encourage ecosystem of plants and animals that will help reduce existing contamination in lagoon.
Goal: Create awareness and obtain support for the lagoon with various state and federal agencies and with legislators.